She was the daughter of Alexander Hay, colonist and politician.
The cast included Helene Best, daughter of Australian politician, Sir Robert Best.
She was the daughter of the lawyer, writer and politician Luis Cabrera Lobato and his wife Guillermina.
Marshall is a daughter of former Western Australian politician and former sports commentator Arthur Marshall.
His father was a banker, and his mother was the daughter of an industrialist and politician.
She is the daughter of Bahamian politician, Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace.
A daughter of Stanisław Bisztyga, politician and economist, and his wife Wiktoria.
Monovithya Kem, born in 1981, is the eldest daughter of Cambodian politician and human rights activist Kem Sokha.
She is the daughter of Indian politician and former Member of Parliament Maragatham Chandrasekar.
Minerva was the daughter of a prominent manufacturer and local politician.