She is the daughter of Karen Morgan of Honolulu and the late Kirk Smith and the stepdaughter of Deborah Baker of Kona, Hawaii.
She is the daughter of Joan Ellen Braverman of Aventura, Fla., and the stepdaughter of Dr. Charles Braverman.
She is the daughter of Anne Dalton and Ian Mackler, both of New York, and the stepdaughter of Jeff Layton and of Debra Wolf.
The bride is the daughter of Robert Scerrato of Manasquan, N.J., and the stepdaughter of Marilou Howell.
She is the daughter of Paula Cosmo of Johnston, R.I., and the stepdaughter of Dennis Cosmo Jr.
She is the daughter of Harriet Weathers of Towson, Md., and the stepdaughter of the late Thomas Jones.
Ms. Benjamin is the daughter of Judith Benjamin of Seattle, and the stepdaughter of Dr. Mark Benjamin, whose name she took.
She is also the daughter of Nancy Canniff of Camden, S.C., and the stepdaughter of Barbara Sanders and of William Canniff.
The bride, who is keeping her name, is also the daughter of Paul Brodeur of New York and the stepdaughter of the late Mr. Hornblower.
She is also the daughter of David M. Randell of Portsmouth, N.H., and the stepdaughter of Phyllis Randell.