The daughter, meanwhile, resents his being overly protective and pauses regularly to say things like: "I'm fully grown now.
Both his daughters resented their father for this.
Lyn's eldest daughter, Stephanie (Carla Bonner) resents this union, but comes around.
"Believe me," he spoke with an unmistakable shade of bitterness, "my daughter will not resent the intrusion."
Monika's mother believes her daughter has enough support to handle the tough industry but does not resent Australia's ban.
Their daughters resent George for breaking up the family this way.
Wollstonecraft's daughters resented the new Mrs Godwin and the attention she paid to her own daughter.
But her daughter resented her working mother and the unwanted attention the namesake doll brought her.
The teen-age daughter in "Smack" resents her parents' assumption that she is sexually promiscuous.
This is the reason that, in the episode, Waterston's daughter, Maggie, resents Scully so much.