I have a young wife, a daughter just turned eleven, and a son five years old.
You don't all of a sudden become someone else because your daughter or son turns 18.
Their 16-year-old daughter, Alice, making $100 a week at a summer job, turns over $70 to her mother to save.
"My daughter turned 34 last week," a woman tells me.
Family life also gets more complicated when his daughter turns on him.
Her 8-year-old daughter saw the incident and turned the smaller one around.
My daughter just turned 11, and her self-image is fine.
When R.'s daughter turned 6, he was allowed to see her alone for the first time.
Sadly, his son, daughter and former wife turned away from this new person.
As her daughter just turned 5, she said, "I thought it was a good age to start riding."