She has never let her daughters wear such revealing clothes.
She and her daughter are wearing their seatbelts, but the young son is not.
She now lives in Atlanta, where her 8-year-old daughter won't wear a hat and says she's getting too old for hair ribbons.
"We did not stand in front of the closet the night before trying to decide what my daughter would wear," she said.
The daughters, ages 3 and 5, were wearing seat belts.
Therefore, there are about 28 sets of clothing the daughter can wear over the years.
Both mother and daughter wore Chanel, as might be expected.
She thought her three daughters, now 33, 30 and 23, might wear it.
Our sons and daughters in the services once again wear their uniforms with pride.
Well, one result of that irony was the cute green shirt his little daughter wore.