It was a daunting list, but one that Eragon knew he had to memorize perfectly.
I was counting on these creatures' being, right now, nearly paralyzed by a daunting list of what-ifs.
But the airport has faced a daunting list of problems.
It may sound like a daunting list of requirements, but it's not.
That's a daunting list by anyone's account, and it certainly was for Catherine Byrne.
One said her niece's similarly daunting list of supplies included four composition books.
The 1993 constitution presents a daunting list of powers reserved to the center.
Still, this grass-roots strength coexists with a daunting list of institutional problems.
"It's a pretty daunting list of potential competitors," he said.
At a meeting on May 11, one member after another recounted a daunting list of problems.