Walking sixty miles was a daunting thought, but not nearly as daunting as facing that man again.
It was a daunting thought, he tried not to think of it.
It's a daunting thought: all those future centenarians, and what will become of them.
Kou looked as if this was a new and daunting thought.
Six months box rest and twelve months total recovery time, with what may be a permanently lame horse, was always a very daunting thought.
It was a daunting thought, yet the days alone in her cell on the island had prepared her well for this.
If the marquess were to find out she drew up a moment with this rather daunting thought, then shrugged her white shoulders.
Opening up China to a flood of American investment is a daunting thought.
A daunting thought, Angela considered, wondering if her own money would be safer from such avid scrutiny abroad.
The 'Bahamas' crew have worked out that for every hour on the main line, 30 hours of maintenance are required, quite a daunting thought.