Example: three days with condominium lodging and lifts, $249 a person, based on four people to a unit.
The initial projection of 15-20,000 people per day based on advance ticket sales was well surpassed, and reached critical mass on Saturday.
This was a popular concept of the day based on the Mayo Clinic model.
Most sights and activities in and around Christchurch remain open, certainly plenty to fill a few days based here.
Players can have good days based on their teammates, the field they are playing on, their uniform number/color, and if it is their birthday.
Just wrote this the other day, based on some current events.
For example, an electrical utility may produce less power on a mild day based on the correlation between electricity demand and weather.
But this group rebounded later in the day, based partly on strong sales during the traditionally slow months of the year.
Negotiate a rate per day based on a certain number of hours, and an overtime rate.
The song was created in two days based on one picture and one term.