Ellis plays a song off each album and everyone present that day discusses.
The other day, a friend and I were discussing what epitomised Beijing.
Sprint's board met all day yesterday - and well into the evening - to discuss the options.
"And furthermore, as t' what happened on that ship that day, the four of us hae never discussed it."
After a day discussing these issues in depth, we are geared for action.
The next day I discussed the case with Joe Berry, the new ear, nose and throat man, who agreed to help.
"The winning government," said Lord Voraz, "would have days to discuss it and find where they were going to get the money."
The only mention of the sale was an oblique reference in its conference call with analysts that day to discuss quarterly results.
All day and evening, television hosts, while repeating that the allegations remained unproven, discussed the issue from countless angles.
Resolution 1179 adopted the same day further discussed the peace process on the island.