And this alone, this knowledge that he was man enough to stay in the harness, made each day a little easier to face.
The first thing to do is turn on your headlights - day or night - or you will face a €15 fine.
"All day I faced the barren waste without a taste of cool, clear, water."
Three days from now I will face the Redwallers west of here.
But these days, that particular brand of optimism is facing increasing scrutiny.
It's clear as day, shoulder between the numbers, face into the glass, for a guy that's 5-foot-2.
It ended in retreat and red faces the next day, after the group's spokesman had called for the dismemberment of Israel.
The following day, she and her family faced losing everything.
The next day I faced the full impact of the sign.
The day they decide to express their love to each other the story takes a dramatic turn as both of the lovers face their past.