It was not unusual for the bride and groom to meet for the first time at the day of their engagement.
But on the day of their engagement, Radhika dies in a kitchen fire accident.
Next to his bed was the celebrated staff which had been predestined to blossom on the day of his engagement.
Despite books, documentaries and column miles devoted to her, she has given just one short interview, with William, on the day of her engagement.
On the day of their engagement, Eun-soo's father passes away.
However, things get complicated on the day of their engagement.
HP has been cited as saying that it can create a private cloud for user organizations within 30 days of its initial engagement with the organization.
On the day of their engagement, the woman tells him what really happened.
On the day of their engagement, however, Roy's true face is exposed and he loses Simi.
In the early days of their engagement, she volunteered to sleep with Saddam Hussein if he would release the hostages.