The queen gave birth to a son on the eighth day of the bright half of the month of Magh.
This day falls on the 13th day of the second half of the lunar month.
On the eighth day of the bright half of the month of Vaishakh, the queen gave birth to a son.
On the twelfth day of the dark half of the month of Kartik the queen gave birth to a son.
On the third day of the bright half of the month of Magh a son was born to the queen.
This fast is kept on the third day of the dark half of Aug-Sep.
So, after 11 days of the second half, the Mets are just one game closer.
A big gathering is held on the fifth day of the light half of each lunar month.
The main congregation is held on the fifth day of the light half of each lunar month.
Sheetalnath was born on the twelfth day of the dark half of the month Magh.