If the records existed at all it would take days poring through dusty files in the basement to locate them.
He has spent most of the day poring over research for a "Nightline" program on the homeless.
While other students spent days poring over economics or art history texts, he bought and sold real estate around the university, precociously pursuing the 1990's boom.
If time had permitted, I would have spent every waking hour of the next days poring over Audine's translation of the Kefra Neghast.
The department spent several days poring through a pool of licensed pre-adoptive families, narrowing the choice to six and finally to one last Monday.
Aahz, Tanda, Harold, and Glenda spent the entire day poring over books and old scrolls, trying to find answers on how to get out.
"Yes, sir," replied Monroe hopeful that this meant he was not going to have to spend the day poring through campaign finance documents.
I don't want to spend each day poring over piles of paper It's not like that, David.
He spent several days poring over pharmacology and physiology textbooks.
Recently, he and the boy spent days poring over a list of public high schools to see which one would be best.