For the Sheffermans, the days revolve around putting a magazine to bed.
For their pets, the days simply revolve around bed.
For some women there are both parents and a partner to care for, making their day revolve around caring.
"My day revolves around the hours between 7 p.m. and 10:30," he said.
Your whole day revolves around your job, seven days a week.
Evans said Hancock was a free spirit whose days and nights revolved around baseball.
Every 3.6 days the two star in this system revolve around each other.
The components take 0.419822800 days (roughly 10 hours) to revolve around common barycentre.
The components take 0.2783 days (roughly 6.7 hours) to revolve around common barycentre.
The day revolved towards and then away from the hour of darkness.