Japanese attacks that day succeeded in reaching the corner of the airstrip but were forced to fall back under enormous pressure.
A sunny day succeeds the night; It's summer - then it snows!
Two days before she had succeeded in getting five thousand francs out of the count.
You are going to take the place of the books which used to be in it; you will succeed them as the day succeeds night.
Then followed a weary interval, during which we had nothing whatever to do, and day succeeded day through the long hot season.
One day succeeded the next hot, sun-riven day, and still they waited.
As one day succeeded the next, Horsip could sense that the tide, so far from turning, was gathering momentum in the other direction.
The day was spent and neither warrior had succeeded in gaining any advantage over the other.
I want one day to succeed where my father failed.
On the day succeeding the fire, I visited the ruins.