Neither side would characterize what the written concept contained, nor what management's reaction to it was during a day-long session dedicated to reviewing and clarifying positions.
These are day-long sessions which a student must attend in order to pass the module.
Initially, Board members and staff met for a day-long session to discuss direction for the District and identify goals and objectives.
On June 13, 2007 a day-long session for observing water-born spill mitigation was held at the south end of McGregor Lake.
All ten of the songs were rehearsed and recorded in one day-long session.
Underscoring the reality of the transportation market, the day-long session was held at the Johnson & Wales Airport Hotel, across the parking lot from the Providence airport.
After Shatner explained the entire story in a day-long session, Rodis went home and sketched out each scene from the script.
This time successful, the album was recorded in two parts: the first half was recorded over one day-long session, completely filling the reel of tape the band had brought with them.
In the mayor's words - as he remained closeted with City Council members in a day-long session on the airport lease - they were facing a fiscal disaster.
Neither Mr. Abrams nor Mr. Pierson would comment after the day-long session.