The possibility of ASD was first suggested by his daycare provider in August.
In this, JFY established relations with daycare providers, helping young clients to sort out the various funding mechanisms to support these services.
The pediatrician noticed the same things the daycare provider did, foremost among them his lack of eye contact and seeming indifference to her presence in the room.
You're very lucky to have a daycare provider that is so attentive to Squirrely's development, and assertive enough to pressure you to have him check out.
Special rules for daycare providers.
The in-home daycare providers are state registered/licensed.
In general, the geographic limitations and the diversity in type of daycare providers make child daycare a highly fragmented industry.
There are often local industry associations that lobby governments on childcare policy, promote the industry to the public or help parents choose the right daycare provider.
States vary in the standards set for daycare providers, such as teacher to child ratios.
What does your daycare provider not want you to know?