As daylight broke, the sludge kept rising and flooding the land where he raises vegetables.
If anything else went wrong they would still be swimming when daylight broke over the eastern horizon.
After a few seconds the green glow vanished as well, and daylight broke fitfully through rags of vapor.
As daylight broke over Audierne Bay, crowds of locals gathered on the beach.
Moments later, when daylight broke through the morning fog and warmed his face, he began to feel better.
It was not until daylight broke that the scale of the devastation could be seen.
At least, she assumed that would be the view once daylight broke and the fog lifted.
When daylight broke they attacked the Wintu, who were just beginning to awaken.
The sun crested the horizon, daylight broke across the land, and the ruins stretched away as silent and empty as before.
It could riot be more than an hour since daylight had broken.