When the sun rose, daylight fell gradually over different parts of the complexes.
Fading daylight from the window beside Valentine fell softly on the aged couple, light and shadow emphasising the rounded commitment of the one and the skeletal dependence of the other, the hovering imminence of death as plain as if the scythe had hung above their heads.
And the white daylight from the front windows of the bar fell quite distinctly over the man's shoulder, illuminating the side of his face.
Soon daylight would fall upon the remaining Eastern Coalition nations- and would reveal how much or how little was left of Zafirah's native Arabian Peninsula.
Creatures of less solid substance, he preferred to meet by the light of day; although, to be sure, scant daylight fell into the pit below, the sun now being low in the west.
"Then I don't understand what ... why ..." The door creaked open and daylight fell across Donough's face, giving Cumara a good look at his expression as Cera entered the cabin.
The woman - "I don't want my name used," she says - pulls back a shade-giving sheet hanging on a string above the pen, and the afternoon's blistering daylight falls across the contraband.
His image was recreated a hundred times in the mirror to the right thanks to the reflection from the tinted window glass to his left The Chief of Surgery had his feet propped up on the corner of his desk so that daylight fell over his shoulder onto the paper he was reading.
The daylight fell without a shade upon her forehead, which had no reason to dread the test, itself reflecting an almost equal light from its surpassing fairness, which the Queen was pleased thus to display.
For a few hours yesterday afternoon, daylight fell on a 19th-century "time capsule" of life in Greenwich Village, reaching empty bottles of Tweddle's Celebrated Soda (or Mineral Waters), Dr. Hooker's Cough & Croup Syrup and Batchelor's Hair Dye No. 2.