By the next morning, daylight showed the actual danger which threatened.
She might have to at that if daylight didn't show her settlements she could reach.
"They do a daylight show all the time."
Gill pulled the door open, and the daylight showed him that at least two of the figures he'd seen were going to give nobody any trouble.
A door opened at the far end of the loft and Amelia appeared, daylight showing her body in the white dress.
They weren't new, by any stretch of the imagination, but mine were so badly worn that if I'd held them up, daylight would've shown through.
Perhaps daylight would show a gleam of light on the sea water below.
The brighter daylight showed it would soon be time for roll-call.
However, no abyss yawned; and presently, at a turning, daylight showed ahead.
Last daylight through the window grid showed a red print there.