He frowned and golden flecks floated in the blue of his eyes like tiny golden stars in a daylight sky.
A window to her right let in daylight sky, a smooth gray.
He glanced up, where a lopsided moon rode pale and ghostly in the daylight sky.
At night the effect was sharp and conspicuous, but under a dank daylight sky it lacked any kind of verve.
The relationship between the two gods is certain as both are in charge of oath, are connected with clear daylight sky and can wield lightning bolts.
Both the Grian sun and the Alpha sun could be seen like bright stars in the daylight sky.
A dark shape, silhouetted against the daylight sky, filled his view.
That steady, unwinking light, burning so unexpectedly in the daylight sky, was now, and would remain for many weeks, the morning star of Mars.
Beneath a clear daylight sky and a high moon, Vaughn stood at the top of the low mortar-and-stone tower and looked out over the city.
Overhead, the Demon Moon glimmered ghostly in the daylight sky.