Jerry Herman "for enchanting and dazzling audiences with his exuberant music and heartfelt lyrics for more than half a century."
But while Mr. Drucker loved dazzling audiences with his wit and wisdom, his goal was not to be known as an oracle.
Two rusted metal piers, directly west of Lincoln Center, have been dazzling audiences with a forlorn pas de deux.
Vampires performing on a stage, vampires dazzling mortal audiences with tricks and mimicry-they thought it was too terribly Parisian!
The 10-member cast in this production has been dazzling audiences and critics not only for acting and singing the musical so compellingly, but for playing the score at the same time.
She had spent the 1930's dazzling European audiences with her mastery of art songs - beating them, as it were, at their own game.
After touring the state and dazzling audiences at Saltair, Eliason turned pro in 1893 and began playing throughout the West.
Tallchief was known for "dazzling audiences with her speed, energy and fire."
Philippe Decouflé has made a habit of dazzling audiences with a canny mix of movement, film, humor and visual poetry.
Irv Slifkin said that the most prominent albeit ever-changing face in comedies of the sixties was Sellers who "changed like a chameleon throughout the era, dazzling audiences".