He slept, and woke to find Prefect Corin standing over him, a black shadow against the dazzling blue of the sky.
There was the dazzling blue of the ocean, the immaculate white beaches, the rich, elemental green of the pine trees and rainforest.
The last thing he saw was the dazzling blue of the lightning bolt as it arced down from the clouds.
Rising above it against the dazzling noonday blue, the Rock of Gibraltar loomed like a gigantic lion basking in the sun.
The emphasis is on evening clothes in dazzling bright blues, yellows and purples, some Matisse-inspired.
The dazzling blue of a canal exploded beneath Ramadutta's Mig.
At the end of Rodman's Neck are brilliant greens, dazzling blues and an occasional flash of pink, but it's not what you think.
Abby's eyes were a dazzling blue like Johnny's, and every bit as haunted as her brother's.
The Art Director found himself lost in the dazzling blue of the sky, and the relations of the white clouds sliding across his windshield were mesmerizing.
The colours were bright, the greens of the cypress trees above him, the dazzling blue of the sky, the statues in the garden seemingly carved from virgin snow.