The rays of a bright morning sun had a dazzling effect among the glittering foliage.
Most of the big movie companies use digital technology either just for editing or to create dazzling but extremely expensive special effects.
That film, too, was dominated by dazzling special effects.
Gillette applied all his dazzling special effects over the massive audience.
"Wow," Polyon said, finally glancing at the dazzling light effects on the screen.
A second career and a dazzling special effect were born.
He achieved his dazzling effects by fingers alone, using the pedal sparingly.
Men were spread about, their arms across their eyes, trying to recover from the dazzling effect of the flare.
Intricate chandeliers of clear Venetian glass hang in all the right places, to dazzling effect.
Directors today are more interested in dazzling special effects than the impact a carefully designed character can make.