The light gave off a dazzling reflection, as a golden shape weaved close to it.
The arctic cap glittered brilliantly, but was far outshone by the dazzling reflection of the sun in the north Pacific.
The light beam cast stark black shadows from the tangled branches and struck dazzling reflections when it touched the water.
The ground near the center had been baked into something that looked like glass, and gave back dazzling reflections of the sun.
The firelight struck dazzling reflections from the polished steel.
He held up his hand to shade his eyes from the dazzling reflection as the helicopter's lights swept the airliner's length.
It had rained heavily here and the striped box made dazzling reflections on the shiny road.
Jumping to the top of one of the riverside boulders, she shaded her eyes against the dazzling reflection of the low sun off the water.
They plugged in the illuminator and checked to see that it did not provide too dazzling a reflection.
The sun threw dazzling reflections from the jewels on the handle, the silver stick; the pale green silk lay there translucent, shimmering.