Indeed, the images of dead or maimed Iraqis that dominated the coverage of the the past three weeks tempered much joy.
"But compared to 100,000 dead Iraqis," he added, "where are you going to concentrate your anguish?"
Insurgent violence left 12 Iraqis dead in and around Baghdad on Sunday.
After the firefight, the Americans discovered the six dead Iraqis in the house.
Inside, there were two dead Iraqis and three wounded.
The report ended by showing the bodies of two dead Iraqis slumped against a rock, where they had gone "seeking safety, but finding only death."
Bliar had thirteen years to address the mounting problems, and instead he gave us a mountain of dead Iraqis and you lot cheered him on.
They promised to provide compensation for the dead Iraqis, he said.
The main hospital received 13 dead Iraqis and 41 injured ones over the weekend, he added.
The administration was afraid that with too many Iraqis dead, we would lose the support of the world.