Hundreds of dead ants lay on the ground under the great tree, red ones as well as black.
They are used to dispose used fungal culture and dead ants.
But Grundy, following, saw some dead ants by the car- cass.
The plant, in turn, feeds on dead ants and decaying material left in the base.
Thanking him, I noticed that the population of dead ants had been reduced to one.
They'll reject an otherwise perfectly good site if there any dead ants lying about.
In a previously occupied site, dead ants are an indication of hygiene problems, which may cause disease among the new occupants as well.
Owen looked down at the dead ant and up again at Mada.
He paused, then gripped the dead ant and dragged it to the side.
But Grundy, following, saw some dead ants by the carcass.