Then she collapsed again upon the blanket, the exhausted motion of a pale dead frond.
A sudden gust of wind sent a dead frond crashing down, and the sound scared Jubert.
A distinctive feature is the retention of dead fronds as a skirt.
A fern had many dead or yellowing fronds and there was a strong suspicion that scales were the causing problem.
This is what happened to a beautiful Boston fern that was looking rather sad the last few weeks with many yellow or, worse, dead fronds.
"Just cut the dead fronds back - or cut back the whole plant if it's in terrible shape," she said.
He'll point to the overgrown palm next door, where he doesn't like my new neighbors, and say: "They've got rats in the dead fronds.
If available, the western yellow bat will use the dead fronds that encircle palm trees as a roosting site.
Liu had found enough dead fronds and branches to build a fire on the sands.
These are collections of dead fronds against the trunk and provide a favored dark habitat for the bats.