Luckily, Fincke doesn't rely on dead puppies alone to catch our attention.
I believe that my mom brought Orson to me for whatever reason after falsifying the lab records to account for him as a dead puppy.
Are they as convinced as you about this thing exploding into a glut of dead puppies?
Lennie sat in the hay and looked at a little dead puppy that lay in front of him.
He jumped off the bodies to land on some dead puppies.
Once it killed me, it would be docile as a dead puppy.
To them, the sight of a stunned and possibly dead puppy was a side-splitting, ludicrous event.
A dead puppy, head missing, was flung against the bottom of the wall.
There's nothing in the passage, so that means a dead puppy, I'm afraid.
Over in the corner the grey shape of her poor dead puppy.