Their habit of swooping to pick up dead rodents or other roadkill leads to collisions with vehicles.
Inside the shop, they found more than 150 rabbits, rodents, snakes and lizards dead in their cages, with the survivors subsisting on carcasses.
We repeated the act ten times, and produced twenty dead rodents.
His purpose is to usher on the souls of dead rodents, as well as assisting Death in other ways.
These she pushed from tail to foot to forepaw, and deposited them in front of her hole, beside the dead rodents there.
Subcommittee chair Stupak then showed a slide depicting dead rodents, feathers, and other debris near the plant air intakes system.
In areas where plague is endemic, officials test dead rodents for the disease and spray rodent holes with insecticide to control fleas.
What is there to see, save two dead rodents?
Downtown audiences tend to be too hardy a lot to be unduly bothered by dead rodents.
Carcasses can range anywhere from dead rodents to birds.