They say when poison falls from heaven, its most deadly form will be suspicion.
In late 2012, Canadian scientists discovered that the deadliest form of the virus could be transmitted by air between species.
Now, several recent studies indicate that breast cancer might appear in a more deadly form among black woman.
Tests determined that she had a deadly form of leukemia.
My wife was discovered to have glioblastoma, a deadly form of brain cancer, in August 2001.
For young women 15 to 29, rates of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, have increased more than 60 percent since the mid-70's.
The chaos curse had returned, in a new and apparently more deadly form.
It seems the center is having extraordinary success in treating a normally deadly form of brain cancer.
The author, at age 43, was diagnosed with a rare and potentially deadly form of cancer.
Of them, melanoma is the deadliest form; last year almost 70,000 new cases were diagnosed.