For his father he had only deadly hate.
A deadly hate gleamed in his bulging round eyes.
For, as Milton wisely expresses, "never can true reconcilement grow, where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep."
A strange stillness filled the room as the elder brother held the younger's life suspended in his hand, while wavering between a dim hope and a deadly hate.
And that is the wavering commons; for their love Lies in their purses; and whoso empties them, By so much fills their hearts with deadly hate.
But now it is used in deadly hate.
This seneschal had Lancelot in his keeping, for to him he had been entrusted by his enemy Meleagant, who hated him with deadly hate.
For why should the son-heir of Tugness, whom I had never had any reason to cross in any way, show me black and deadly hate?
Sweet love, I see, changing his property, Turns to the sourest and most deadly hate.
Emotion-hate-a vicious and deadly hate, as sharp and imperiling in its intent to threaten her reading as if the cords had taken on serpentine life and struck at her.