Inadvertently disturb one of the delicate threads, and the deadly spider, dripping venom, comes running.
Despite their reputation as the world's deadliest spiders, there are multiple studies that dispute their capacity for fatal human envenomation.
One of the deadliest spiders in the world.
Now it fitted the personality that was truly hers-the spider in the web, poised and deadly, one appetite sated, another about to be satisfied.
He had crawled like a deadly spider from its crevice to use its poison for the last time.
Sure it's got deadly spiders, snakes and sharks, but they don't stop people from coming here, never mind living here.
The deadliest spiders can be found in Australia.
Also in July, a Pranknet caller informed two hotel guests that deadly spiders were about to infest their room.
During the process, the electrical system switches off, and Cindy finds herself suddenly surrounded by the deadly spiders.
Baron von Lukenberg is then arrested for creating a species of deadly spiders.