Think deadly damp spores, rotting roofs, flood damage, beetle infestations and even a house that might have been built over a mine shaft.
The goal, they said, was to find places outside her workplace and home where she might have inhaled the deadly bacterial spores.
In this case it is the inclusion of deadly spores which turn human flesh into fungus on contact.
Here he reveals the communists' real plan, which is to dust all of the American crops with these deadly spores.
And expose the earth to maneating zotl and your deadly spore?
The pod bursts, releasing deadly spores all over the factory.
If it were trying today, it could consult one of these books and learn where to obtain deadly spores.
The beetle had floundered into one of the close-packed red puffballs, tightly filled with the deadly red spores.
It was simply a cloud of the deadly spores, dispersed and indefinite, but constantly replenished by the freshly bursting puffballs.
Pentagon officials declined yesterday to discuss precisely how they plan to kill the still deadly spores on Vozrozhdeniye Island.