Left-handed--although he's a deadly swordsman with either arm.
During the weeks of training, he had come to know Drizzt as a controlled and deadly swordsman who weighed every feint and strike with calm precision.
He knew he had no other hope of surviving here in this land of deadly swordsmen.
Isgrimnur, disdainfully observing the man's shining hair and the glinting baubles he wore at neck and wrist, wondered how he could be the deadly swordsman his reputation declared him.
Foresight makes deadly swordsmen, unbeatable.
The Blademaster, the deadliest swordsman I ever saw?
I was the deadliest swordsman of them all.
In another age he would have been a deadly swordsman whose blade would have found the beating hearts of men, not bulls.
That is the deadliest swordsman I have ever seen, the winner in a score of duels, and a sorcerer besides.
As Fahrooq ushered the newcomer up onto the quarterdeck, Walid noted that the herald moved with a pantherish grace and so was most likely an exceeding deadly swordsman.