The forces of Terra emerged, climbing slowly, tentatively from their last redoubts, as if suspecting some deadly trick.
That witch is sure to have a few deadly tricks left to her yet.
But even if they can't live down here, the clever fisherfolk still have their lures and deadly tricks.
Still, nobody moved, as if they thought his offer was some kind of deadly trick.
"They will," the King retorted, "if you also do yours, and make certain dial we are not surprised by some deadly trick of die Archimage's."
You would have thought that a ship so full of deadly tricks would run herself ashore some day out of sheer cussedness.
"I always thought he would play us some deadly trick," he said, with a peculiar emphasis on the HE.
The ARM had pulled some deadly tricks out of its hat when the kzind seemed overwhelming.
The Arts' recent advertisement of communications services is a deadly trick.
And we have a cold war with only one country, and they're the only ones who'd play a deadly trick like this.