It has similar powers to a traditional basilisk, such as deadly venom and the ability to kill something by looking at it.
His words were filled with quiet, deadly venom.
It has a nasty bite with deadly venom.
Its fangs contain a deadly venom that kills the prey very quickly.
Discipline had broken at last; the horror of fangs and deadly venom was too great.
They start slaying each other over the treasure and all become insane after coming into contact with the deadly venom smeared on the jewels.
Pressure immobilisation can also be used on limbs to slow down the spreading of the deadly venom.
Do jellyfish have the deadliest venom in the world?
There is a continuous, graded series from ordinary spit to deadly venom.
Anointed let me be with deadly venom, And die, ere men can say, God save the queen!