Finally, network analysis offers a procedure for dealing with variation between speakers at the level of the individual rather than the group (see further 6.8.3).
The institute have a wide range of laboratories which are trying to deal the questions at the level of basic science.
You will be dealing with affairs of state - at the very highest level.
Instead of individual dietary choices, these issues can only be dealt with at the level of systems, policies and regulations.
This is a very serious matter, which must be dealt with at the highest level of the court system.
To deal at the highest level with China after Tiananmen Square, three great facts must be understood.
I also congratulate him on ensuring that this matter is dealt with at the highest level during the presidency.
Not only is it dealt with at the level of patenting but it is considered to be just against the law.
You can't deal with the Middle East at the level of a slogan.
I think the way to deal with difference is to recognize it and respect it at the electoral level.