Window stickers in dealer showrooms often include "miles per gallon" conversions.
There will also be Internet ads, brochures and materials for dealer showrooms.
The 4Runner first entered dealer showrooms in October 2002 for the 2003 model year.
Some of these problems reflect a general European slump that has kept people away from dealer showrooms.
The first 1968 model year cars were scheduled to appear in dealer showrooms on March 19, 1968.
The cars will begin appearing in dealer showrooms this summer, the company said.
Toyota and Honda even plan to begin selling them from dealer showrooms in this country within the next 12 months.
So you'll think about four-wheel drive - maybe in the spring, when others with the same idea have stopped crowding dealer showrooms.
However, many of these vehicles languished in dealer showrooms and were eventually sold at discount.
Even as car shoppers look over new models in dealer showrooms, some of them are being sized up themselves.