The dealer supplied his own key, found the registration document and sold the car.
Buying and selling upon credit, and the different dealers compensating their credits with one another, once a month or once a year, will supply it with less inconveniency.
Fifty-two dealers at this wholesale produce depot also supply most Korean markets, neighborhood shops and many restaurants (supermarkets usually get deliveries from their own warehouses).
Similarly, one dealer in Carson City, Nev., supplied 326 guns used in crimes in 1998, all but two committed outside Nevada.
It was meant to be a low-cost, laid-back effort at getting rid of whatever dealer was supplying the kids with their grass.
In some markets such as NASDAQ, dealers supply liquidity.
After the war, demand for new cars was greater than dealers could supply, and most dealers had waiting lists for new cars.
Some dealers do supply second-hand computers which they have taken in part exchange and these may have the additional advantage of a short guarantee.
Mr. Bellucci is even fussy about which dealer in Pennsylvania supplies the coal.
Citroën promoted 2CV events called "Raids" in the 1970s, for which main dealers would supply a ruggedising kit.