Perhaps because of their rarity, young dealers tend to band together.
According to one training officer successful dealers tend to be "all rogues".
As Mr. Malcolm noted, dealers tend to promote the work of the artists they represent.
Another flea market operated one block north, but admission costs a dollar and the dealers there tend to be pricey.
Other dealers tended to give him first refusal on their 'finds'.
Although dealers generally tend to match that passion for the brand, many don't want to be told how to create a certain atmosphere in their dealership.
In the past, dealers tended to sell popular Harleys above the list price, and they were usually on back order.
(The few female dealers tended to scowl a lot, and to wear very expensive tasteful jewelry with brown or black silk dresses.)
Professor Morgan said a likely reason for the findings was that dealers tend to perceive shoppers who come through the online sites as serious buyers.
In other cities, dealers tend to be too weak and disorganized to stand up to the posses and their tactics.