When this occurs, death from predation most often befalls dominant species, and individuals from rare species are much more likely to survive and increase in number.
Henceforth, no death shall ever befall you.
Stories of the privileges to be gained thereby became widespread: "Sudden death could not befall him.
One death, or several dozen, mattered less than what befell the family at large.
Has death befallen Suzanne Bedford Harrison?
And I felt he was bidding farewell to life and hoping that death would befall him here more easily than somewhere else.
That a humdrum death in a car crash could befall a beautiful princess and a beloved son?
Upon mentioning the revelation to his queen, a mysterious death befell the king.
Some of you have wondered why death did not befall a certain man whose effigy I stabbed.
Allow me, if you will, to tell you how this death befell.