Lorenzo Domínguez's death interrupted the preparation and edition of this book.
I'd planned to include it in my progress this summer, but Carsten's death interrupted that, as you know.
Prosecutors said the death of the witness would not interrupt their case.
The death of a son (1330) interrupted his work for a time, but he soon took it up again.
Blake's death later that year interrupted these plans, and he was replaced in 1702 by James Moore.
His father's stroke and subsequent death in 1746 interrupted his studies.
Alexander's death interrupted the Decembrists' plans and forced them to act immediately.
Her death also interrupted work she was carrying out in writing an Anglo-Manx dictionary.
But here, alone, halfway up the sky, I am afraid that death would interrupt my musing.
The death of Francis I in 1547, however, interrupted the project.