Their deaths have been officially documented.
Since 2000, 18 such deaths have been documented.
Rave culture in Australia and Wood's death was documented on the popular Australian television news program 60 Minutes in 1996, creating further debate.
It is known that John de Hagardeston inhabited the castle in the late 12th and early 13th century, his death having been documented circa 1210.
Human rights investigators say no deaths have ever been documented at Coiba.
The death of the 28-month-old Waukesha boy was documented in a report issued today by the Federal Centers for Disease Control.
In addition, sudden deaths were documented in free or game ranging deer.
This case puzzled many doctors because his death was documented and two American doctors' testimonies "verified" his death.
John Mandarich's early death from skin cancer is documented in Tony's memoir.
By 2011, more than 15,181 deaths have been documented.