It is true that this segment bears the most devastating and personal burdens, including the death of loved ones.
Men's minds are made to find reconciliation with the death of loved ones.
The play has a wistful longing for a simpler life and regret about the youthful death of loved ones.
To the young it denotes unhappy unions and death of loved ones.
I understand that even the death of loved ones can be grieved through.
Also, the day is a time to think about one's own future death and on the deaths of loved ones.
One could imagine the death of loved ones, perhaps even one's own death.
Many of the anecdotes deal with Vonnegut's family, the death of loved ones, and people's last words.
Ill health, death of loved ones and/or the fear of those things will occur.
We paid for our land and holdings with blood and pain and the death of loved ones.