Israeli civilian deaths have risen from 6 in 1991 to 11 this year.
Following the invasion the death rate rose each year.
However, the ending is somewhat open because after Vise's "death", new questions rise.
They found that among people 65 and older, deaths from brain tumors rose in all nations at up to 200 percent for the period.
In part, deaths are rising because motorcycling is becoming more popular.
Among men, deaths peak just before their birthdays and do not rise afterward.
Violent deaths rose, and more than 60 political opponents of his died violently during the next three years.
The next day the death from two suicide bomb attacks rose to 27.
As of August 13, confirmed deaths had risen to 89.
In 1986, however, the decline was dramatically reversed as deaths rose by 17 percent, to 2,820.