To police officers, the deaths underscore the danger of the job, ever present and often lurking in the most seemingly routine situations.
But her death underscores the dangers of riding bikes in city traffic, which kills, on average, about 15 cyclists a year.
"But I decided to go on with the meeting anyway because I think the tragic death of the commissioner underscores the need for our organization."
Chester saw him as something of a surrogate son; his death only underscored Chester's sense of human failure.
Mr. Bermudez's death underscored the confused political situation in Nicaragua today.
The reported death underscores the growing danger for international aid workers, who have increasingly been targets of terrorists seeking attention.
Mrs. Rodriguez's death underscored the problems of a neighborhood where drug dealers control the streets and parks, and gunfire is heard daily.
The deaths underscored an ongoing debate over the wisdom of most high-speed police pursuits.
Hirohito's death underscored and reinforced a national phobia about cancer, one that few medical professionals there talk about.
Finn's life crisis continued, however, and Lewis's shocking death only underscored his belief that life was indeed too short.