Four hours later I was dragged from a deathlike sleep by the ringing of the hyperphone.
He had told her that being swallowed up in the deathlike sleep had frightened him more than anything else when first he'd been made.
Yet even in his deathlike sleep, he was aware of her beside him.
Once, the deathlike sleep had claimed him at dawn's first light, but no more.
She lay unmoving beside him, still caught in the deathlike sleep of their kind.
She awoke exulting then for a moment and curled herself tighter against his deathlike sleep.
Snoring or not, he was certainly asleep, the deep, almost deathlike sleep that comes from complete exhaustion.
When he had woken her from a deathlike sleep.
She lay down next to the hearth and, almost immediately, fell into a deathlike sleep.
Inside the cruiser, the crew and captain had slipped into a deathlike sleep.