In most cases, the debate over crime has revolved around who can put the most police on the streets.
The main economic debate in Democratic Washington revolves around how to do this.
The debate revolves around 1.5 million acres of the 19-million-acre wildlife refuge.
As was seen in Chapter 1, the main debate here has revolved around how to explain the long waves.
In the future, these debates might revolve around other issues, including gender balance and ethnic diversity.
The debate revolves instead around what to do about it.
So the annual debate over the budget essentially revolves around the remaining 10 percent.
Once, the debate revolved around women's freely choosing to create equal opportunities.
The debate will, of course, revolve around the strategy and the means for restoring our competitiveness.
No wonder, then, that the political debate now revolves around what that action should be.