The debate has sharpened since Ayatollah Khomeini's death, as the rival factions seek pre-eminence as the custodians of their nation's future.
Although the debate over Congressional prerogatives sharpened after Vietnam, it has existed since the United States was formed.
The debate over encryption - which has pitted industry and civil liberties groups against law enforcement and intelligence agencies - has sharpened in recent weeks.
A debate sharpened in Israel over whether the isolated settlement of Netzarim was worth keeping.
The modern debate over Congressional prerogatives sharpened after Vietnam.
In some ways the debate sharpened the contradictions.
Although Mr. Zapatero had already proposed reforming TVE, the debate sharpened after the train bombings in Madrid killed 192 on March 11, three days before general elections.
The one certainty is that the debate will sharpen as laser hair removal and other high-tech treatments beckon to a youth-obsessed population.
This month, as the race narrowed, the debate has sharpened somewhat.
When the firm sold its holdings on Galiano, debate about development issues sharpened, and the Islands Trust set minimum lot sizes to limit development.